mandag 20. april 2009

Macbook Hard drive failure

My hard drive stopped functioning a time ago. My Macbook is three years old, so a hard drive failure was to be expected, people say. Luckily I use an external disk as backup.

Placing the new hard drive inside the PC is an easy task. Unlock the battery , use a tiny screwdriver on three screws, pull the hard drive out and insert the new one. The easy hard ware-part is over. There are also very good instructions on this part on the net. (See you tube-video)

The part I had trouble with was rebooting and get the installation program to find the new hard drive. It did not pop up as an option when I should have selected installation drive. After a couple of days and rebootings, I finally saw it. You actually have to go to the menu line in the top of the screen and select disk utilities (diskverktøy). Then click on the hard drive and press "delete" to make a new partition. Name the hard drive and go back. The hard drive now appeared on the installation menu. A strange way to do an easy task.

Normally you should think you get a question in the installation procedure about formating and partitionating of the disk. That is the case in Linux and Windows. Instead you have to find a hidden menu and press "delete" on an already formatted disk, in wich you anyway just wanted one partition.

Anyhow. I now have a functioning PC again. Yes I call it a PC because it is a PC. The PC is called Macbook and is made by the man in black sweater.

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